Canal and River Trust
The Pickup Artists were approached by John Foal from the Canal and River Trust in February 2018. He came and gave a talk to the group about the history of the canal, what they do to keep it looking so good and as a group how we could help.

We were offered the opportunity to adopt some of the canal path which runs through Kidderminster town centre. Initially about 30 people were interested in this and the adoption went ahead. Michelle signed some paperwork, the Canal and River Trust gave us some bags and litter pickers and the group have litter picked the canal path at least once, every single week since March 1st 2018. We missed one week over the Christmas period.

In the summer we would create events and lots of people would come along to litter pick and walk the dog. On hotter days McDonalds have given us a free cold drink. Occasionally we get someone to jump into a kayak to reach the other side of the bank to collect litter from in the trees. We have had lots of children come along and it’s been fantastic to watch the wildlife have families and grow up.

Almost a year on we are now thinking about extending our adoption path but need more volunteers. If you would like to join us please get in touch. If you have a group of people and would like to adopt your local canal path please use the link below to contact the Canal and River Trust directly.
For Adoptions info: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/volunteer/volunteer-in-partnership/adoptions-more-information
For general Volunteering Opportunities: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/volunteer/opportunities